Lisa in New York
Lisa in New York
Student’s Book
by H. Q. Mitchell - Marileni Malkogianni

Published by: MM Publications


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Copyright © 2009 MM Publications

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ISBN: 978-960-443-657-6 C2007005042-17882
  1. Chapter 1........................................................... 4
  2. Chapter 2........................................................... 7
  3. Chapter 3........................................................... 10
  4. Chapter 4........................................................... 14
  5. Chapter 5........................................................... 16
  6. Chapter 6........................................................... 19
  7. Chapter 7........................................................... 22
  8. Chapter 8........................................................... 26
  9. Chapter 9........................................................... 28
  10. Chapter 10.......................................................... 30
  11. Activity Section.................................................. 33
  12. Chapter 1........................................................... 34
  13. Chapter 2........................................................... 26
  14. Chapter 3........................................................... 38
  15. Chapter 4........................................................... 40
  16. Chapter 5........................................................... 42
  17. Chapter 6........................................................... 44
  18. Chapter 7........................................................... 46
  19. Chapter 8........................................................... 48
  20. Chapter 9........................................................... 50
  21. Chapter 10.......................................................... 52
  22. Extra Activities................................................... 54
chapter 1

It is early Tuesday morning and Lisa is sitting at her computer. She is checking her e-mail because she is waiting for a very important answer. Yesterday, Lisa did an online quiz about the big cities of the U.S. She got all of the answers correct. She had a chance to win first prize-a ticket to New York City. Lisa sees a new message in her inbox and opens it. It’s an e-mail from the website of the quiz!

Lisa cannot believe her eyes. She screams, “YES!” Lisa’s mother hears her shouting and comes into her room. “Lisa, dear, are you OK?”asks Lisa’s mum. “Yes, Mum, you won’t believe it! I won first prize in the online quiz - a ticket to New York City!”says Lisa. “Well, Lisa, that’s fantastic! You must not miss this trip. It’s a great chance for you to visit New York, and see your cousins, George and Amy again,” says Lisa’s mum. “Oh, that’s right. They came to visit us with Aunt Elizabeth and Uncle John many years ago,” says Lisa. “Yes, that’s right. So, tell me, when are you going to go?” asks Lisa’s mother. “My ticket is for this Friday. I am going to stay in New York for a week!” says Lisa.

chapter 2

It is Friday, and Lisa is at JFK International Airport. She is holding her luggage and looking around for Aunt Elizabeth. Suddenly, she feels a hand on her shoulder. She turns around and sees a teenage boy. “Hi, Lisa! I’m George. I recognised you right away!” says George and he gives Lisa a big hug. “Wow, what a nice surprise!” Lisa says with a smile, “I remember you a little bit, but you are older now.” “So are you! Now, come on. Let’s take a taxi home. You must be tired from your trip,” says George. Lisa and George get into a taxi and drive into the city towards George’s house. Lisa is busy looking out the window at the buildings and all the people walking around. She can’t believe it! She’s finally in New York!

Lisa and George arrive at George’s house. George’s parents, Aunt Elizabeth and Uncle John, are waiting for them. “Welcome to our home,” Aunt Elizabeth says, as she hugs Lisa. “I hope you are hungry because I cooked a big dinner for you!” They all sit down and eat a big meal of fried chicken, mashed potatoes, corn, and salad. “Wow, this food is great! Thanks Aunt Elizabeth! But I have a question - where’s Amy?” asks Lisa. “Oh, Amy is in college, honey,” Uncle John answers, “she’s staying on the university campus. But don’t worry, she’ll visit home before you leave. Well, tell us, what do you think of the Big Apple so far?” Lisa does not understand. “The big what?” she asks. George laughs. “The Big Apple is another name for New York,” he explains. Lisa laughs, too. “I see...” she says.“Oh, it’s so big! There are so many people! And the buildings... they are so tall! I want to see so much!” “Don’t worry, Lisa,” George says, “I am going to show you around. I can be your private tour guide,” George says with a laugh. “Great, George! Thanks!”says Lisa. “Well, Lisa,” her aunt says, “You must get some rest. Tomorrow is your first big day in New York!” At night, Lisa has a strange dream. She dreams of a very big apple!

chapter 3

The next morning, Lisa wakes up early and goes downstairs. Aunt Elizabeth and George are waiting for her in the kitchen. “Good morning, Lisa,” Aunt Elizabeth says. “Come and have some breakfast. I made pancakes with syrup and bacon and eggs. You must eat a good breakfast because you have a busy day today.” “Yes, we do,” says George. “We are going to rent bicycles and ride around Central Park. What do you think?” “Wow, George! That’s a great idea!” says Lisa. They eat their breakfast, say goodbye to Aunt Elizabeth, and leave. They take the subway to the 59th Street stop. They exit the subway, and go straight to the bike rental shop. They get their bikes, and begin their journey.

“It’s so beautiful here, George,” Lisa says. “You can’t see any buildings at all - just trees and grass.” “Yup, well, New Yorkers come here to relax and get away from the city. Many tourists come, too. In fact, Central Park is the park with the most visitors in the United States.” They ride past beautiful gardens, and a big lake. Many people are sitting on the grass, having picnics, and enjoying the nice weather. They also ride past the zoo and see snakes, penguins, and even sea lions! After some time, they stop and eat some lunch.“How about a hot dog, Lisa?” asks George. “Sure, I’m really hungry!” says Lisa. George buys two hot dogs and two sodas. They sit on a bench and enjoy their lunch. Then, they get back on their bikes. “George, look!” Lisa shouts. “There is a note in the basket of my bike and a little Statue of Liberty!” Lisa reads the note.

“George!” Lisa says, “Did you do this?” “No, Lisa! I was next to you the whole time!”says George. “Well, this is really strange,” says Lisa. “Who can it be?” “I don’t know... but we’ll find out. Tomorrow we are going to visit Lady Liberty!” They return the bikes and take the subway home. Lisa can’t wait for tomorrow.

chapter 4

The next day, Lisa and George eat a quick breakfast and leave the house early. They take the subway to the South Ferry stop. There, they buy tickets and take a ferry boat to the Statue of Liberty. “Oh, George! I’m so excited,” Lisa says. “I’m going to see the Statue of Liberty, and find out who wrote me the note!” “Well, one thing is for sure - you are going to see the Statue of Liberty!” says George. They arrive on Liberty Island and see the Statue of Liberty in front of them. “Wow!” says Lisa. “It’s huge!” “Yup. It is 150 feet high! France gave the United States the Statue as a gift in 1886. It came across the ocean in 350 pieces and they put it together here.” Lisa is very excited. She is taking pictures all the time and forgets about the mystery person and the note. “George, we must take a picture of us with the Statue!” George asks a girl with a pink hat and sunglasses to take their picture. She takes the picture, and George thanks her. Then, he gives Lisa her camera. “Hey George! Look at this! There is a sticker on my camera! It says, ‘VISIT THE MET’!” says Lisa. “Hmmmm...that is interesting,” says George. “It was the girl in the pink hat! I’m sure! We must find her!” “Well, she is gone now, Lisa. We missed her! I guess we have to go to the Met,” says George. “She may be there.” “What’s the Met?” Lisa asks. “The Metropolitan Museum of Art. It is one of the most famous museums in the world!” George explains. “Well then, come on! Let’s go!” Lisa says.

real temple from Egypt called the Temple of Dendur. It’s 2000 years old!” says George. Lisa sees a pink hat on the floor. “Look George! The girl’s hat,” says Lisa. “Let me see,” says George. “Haha… it says “I LOVE NEW YORK” on it. Oh, and look! There’s a note in it.” George reads the note.

“Cool, Lisa, look!” says George. “Free tickets to the Empire State Building!” “I don’t understand,” says Lisa. “Who is she? Why is she doing this?” “Don’t worry, Lisa. We will have better luck tomorrow,” says George. “Come on now, there’s a lot more to see here. Let’s go and have a look at the rest of the museum.”

chapter 7

Lisa and George take the subway and go to the Broadway theatre with the big, yellow Lion King sign on it. George goes to the ticket office. “Hello, we want to buy two tickets to the next show of “The Lion King,” he says. “Can I please have your name?” the lady in the ticket office asks. “Sure,” responds George. “It’s George Jones.” “Well George, you already have two tickets for the show. It starts in half an hour. Here you go,” says the lady and she gives George the tickets. “Enjoy the show.”

“George,”asks Lisa. “How did that happen? You didn’t buy the tickets!” “No... our mystery person bought them for us,” says George. The two cousins are very excited. They go into the theatre and find their seats. Lisa is looking around for the mystery girl, but the lights go out and the music starts. The characters come out in costume, and the show begins. “George, this is amazing! The lights, the music... the costumes are so beautiful. I think I like it more than the film!” Lisa says quietly. “Well, it is one of the best musicals. It first came out on Broadway in 1998, and it won the Best Musical award. Now, let’s be quiet and enjoy the show”, George whispers back. After the show, George and Lisa walk towards the exit.

“Well, Lisa, what did you think?” asks George. “Oh it was amazing! But we didn’t see our mystery person... Wait a minute! George, look over there!” Lisa shouts. “I see a girl in a pink hat! She is talking to the woman in the ticket office! Come on! Let’s go!” George and Lisa run to the ticket office, but the girl is not there. “Excuse me, Miss,” says George. “There was a girl in a pink hat here a minute ago... Where did she go?” “I’m not sure sir, but she left a package for your friend. You’re Lisa, aren’t you, dear?” the lady says. “Yes, that’s me!” shouts Lisa. She takes the package, opens it, and sees a mini Christmas tree. It says Rockefeller Center on it. “George!” says Lisa. “Another clue! Come on, we have more to see!”

chapter 8

Lisa and George rush to the Rockefeller Center. There are many people taking pictures of the Christmas tree. “Wow, George, this is such a big tree!” Lisa says. “Yes, well, it is 65 feet tall. Some trees can be up to 100 feet tall. A special truck brings the tree here. This year it took over 25,000 light bulbs to decorate the tree!” George says. “George, you really are the best tour guide! Hey look over there! There are people ice-skating! I love ice-skating! Can we try?” asks Lisa. “Sure, Lisa. I’m not very good at ice-skating, but you can help me, OK?” George says with a laugh. Lisa and George get their ice-skates and sit down to put them on. “George! There is something in my ice-skate!” says Lisa. And she pulls out two tickets. “Look, George, tickets!” “Wow! These are tickets to the NBA game tomorrow! Do you think someone forgot them?” George asks. “Silly, no one puts tickets in ice-skates,” laughs Lisa. “Can’t you see? It’s our mystery person! She is so clever! Oh, when are we going to meet her?” “Don’t worry, Lisa, we’ll meet her. She can’t stay a mystery forever. Now, come on, let’s ice-skate and go home. We have a busy day tomorrow. NBA here we come!”

chapter 10

The next day, the three cousins take the subway to Chinatown.“I’m so happy! Today we will see a part of New York together!” Lisa says to Amy. “I know! Chinatown is great. Did you know it is 200 years old?” Amy says. “Yes, and 80,000 Chinese people live here now.” George quickly adds. The three cousins walk by a market with fresh vegetables. They see men and women selling fresh fish on the street. There are clothing shops and jewellery shops with beautiful Chinese jewellery. Lisa and George stop in front of a Chinese restaurant. “I’m hungry. Can we eat some Chinese food?” asks Lisa. “Great idea!” says Amy. “There is a great Chinese restaurant around the corner. It’s my favourite. Let’s go!” Lisa opens the door to the restaurant. Aunt Elizabeth and Uncle John are sitting at a table. “Amy! George! Your parents are here!” Lisa says. “Ha! Ha! We know. It is our last surprise for you!” Amy says. “Wow! This family is full of surprises!” Lisa says to them and they all laugh. They all sit down and eat delicious Chinese food. After dinner, the waiter brings them fortune cookies. These are little cookies with notes in them. “Come on, Lisa! Open your cookie!” George says. Lisa opens her cookie. “You will meet new friends,” she reads. “Well, that is true. I did meet some wonderful friends - you!” Lisa asks the waiter to take their picture. “I want to remember my last meal in New York,” she says. “Say cheese!” says the waiter and they smile. “Thank you all for everything,” says Lisa. “I had a lot of fun. New York is a great city!”

chapter 1 Comprehension
Are the sentences True or False? Write "t" or "f" in the boxes.

1. On Monday, Lisa did an online quiz.

2. On Tuesday, Lisa had some messages in her inbox.

3. Lisa is going to travel on December 15th.

4. Lisa is going to stay in a hotel in New York.

5. Lisa has an aunt named Amy in New York.

Complete the paragraph with words from Chapter 1.

Lisa did an online quiz about the big cities in the (1) and she won first (2) . It is a (3) to New York! Lisa is going to (4) on Friday, December 15th, and she is going to stay there for a (5) . She is very (6) about her trip.

Do the crossword.
1 2
5 6

1. George and Amy are Lisa’s .

2. The day Lisa is going to leave for New York.

3. Lisa is sitting at her .

4. Lisa’s mother goes into her .

5. Lisa got all the answers correct on the quiz.

6. Lisa has an from the website of the quiz.

Match the words 1-6 with their meanings a-f.
1. correct a. great, wonderful
2. scream b. not late
3. fantastic c. right, not wrong
4. trip d. seven days
5. week e. to go from one place to another
6. early f. to shout very loudly
Follow-up activities

1. Do you have a computer? Do you ever use it to get on the Internet? What for?
2. Have you ever won anything in a competition or a quiz?
3. What do you know about New York? Would you like to travel there?
4. What do you think Lisa’s trip will be like?

Imagine you are Lisa. Write an e-mail to your cousin George, informing him about your trip to New York.
chapter 2 Comprehension
Answer the questions.

1. What is the name of the airport in New York?

2. Who is waiting for Lisa at the airport?

3. How do George and Lisa go to George’s house?

4. What does the family eat for dinner?

5. What is another name for New York?

Match the two halves of the sentences below
1. George a. likes the dinner very much.
2. Aunt Elizabeth b. promises to show his cousin around.
3. Amy c. hugs Lisa to welcome her.
4. Lisa d. isn’t staying with her family.
Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
teenage   recognise   remember   building   meal   strange

1. girls often talk about clothes.

2. Breakfast is the most important of the day.

3. Please to turn off the lights.

4. Tim’s father works in that tall next to the bank.

5. Is that you, Mina? I didn’t you at once.

6. I heard a noise coming from the living room.

Match the words 1-5 with a-e to make phrases.
1. mashed a. campus
2. fried b. potatoes
3. university c. airport
4. tour d. chicken
5. international c. guide
Follow-up activities

1. How do you prefer to travel?
2. Do you have cousins? What is your relationship with them?
3. What is the traditional food in your country? What’s in it?
4. What food do you like to eat?
5. What do you think George and Lisa will do the next day?

Write a paragraph describing a strange dream of yours.
chapter 3 Comprehension
What do Lisa and George do in Central Park? Check the correct boxes.

1. They eat breakfast.
2. They ride bicycles.
3. They sit on the grass.
4. They have a picnic.
5. They see a lot of animals.
6. They sit on a bench.
7. They have lunch.
8. They see the Statue of Liberty.
9. They buy a souvenir.

What do the two cousins eat during the day? Write.

For breakfast they have n with r and a and . For lunch, they have t   and d .

Complete the sentences with the prepositions in the box.
for   to   next to   on   around   from

1. Look at the cat. It’s sleeping the dog.
2. Do you want to ride the park with me?
3. Wait a minute Mum, I want to say goodbye my friends.
4. Jemma is waiting her brother.
5. A mouse is trying to get away our cat.
6. Jerry is sitting the grass.

Choose a or b to complete the sentences.

1. Steve buys __________ from all the places he visits.
a. clues b. souvenirs

2. You can put the fruit in that __________ over there.
a. basket b. note

3. In New York, a lot of people travel by __________ .
a. journey b. subway

4. It’s 6 o’clock, it’s still __________ . The film doesn’t start before 8.
a. early b. busy

5. You must __________ this book to the library today.
a. return b. find out

6. We’d like to __________ a room for a week.
a. exit b. rent

Follow-up activities

1. What do you usually eat for breakfast?
2. Do you like riding a bicycle? What do you like doing in your free time?
3. Do you like parks? Is there a park near your house? What can you do there?
4. Who do you think wrote the note? Why?

Write a paragraph about what you like doing in your free time.
chapter 4 Comprehension
Complete the factfile about the Statue of Liberty with information from Chapter 4.


Where from:


How tall:

How many pieces:

Read the sentences. Write "t" for True or "f" for false in the boxes.

1. George and Lisa go to the South Ferry stop by ferry boat.
2. The Statue was a gift to New York from France.
3. Lisa thinks about the mystery person all the time.
4. A girl with pink sunglasses takes George and Lisa’s picture.
5. The mystery person wants the two cousins to visit a famous museum.

Complete the sentences. Then write the words in the boxes. The word in the green boxes is the name of the statue the cousins visited.

1. The Statue is on an .
2. Lisa found a on her camera.
3. George and Lisa went to the South Ferry stop by .
4. The is a famous museum.
5. Lisa took pictures with her .
6. Lisa was very to see the Statue.
7. The two cousins bought tickets for the .


Complete the sentences with the prepositions in the box.
visit   put   leave   explain   take   arrive

1. I have to early for school tomorrow.
2. Mark often the train to Glasgow.
3. What time does your friend from Brussels?
4. Paula always wanted to the Pyramids.
5. My sister can never a puzzle together.
6. Excuse me, can you this to me?

Follow-up activities

1. Which famous sights/monuments would you like to visit? Why?
2. Do you like museums? Why? / Why not?
3. What do you like doing when you visit a new place?
4. What do you think the cousins are going to see in the Met?

Write a paragraph about a famous sight/ monument in your country.
chapter 5 Comprehension
Match the two halves of the sentences below
1. George a. left two tickets for the cousins.
2. Lisa b. looked very real.
3. The mystery person c. wanted to see the rest of the museum.
4. The statue of Venus d. is from Egypt.
5. The Temple of Dendur e. found a hat on the floor.
Put the sentences in the correct order. Write the numbers 1-7 in the boxes.

a. Lisa touches a statue of Venus.
b. George and Lisa visit the Greek and Roman section.
c. George finds a note in the pink hat.
d. Lisa sees the mystery person.
e. In the hat there are also two tickets.
f. The cousins go into the Temple of Dendur.
g. The cousins run after the girl in the pink hat.

Complete the sentences below with the words in the box.
marble   free   run   lose   real   enjoy   goddess

1. Please wait! I can’t after you all the time.
2. They have a(n) floor in their house.
3. Isis was an Egyptian .
4. Is that a(n) diamond?
5. Here are your tickets. the show
6. You can have my camera, but be careful not to it.
7. Look at this! tickets for the concert tonight!

Choose a, b or c to complete the following sentences.

1. There is a __________ tree outside our school.
a. famous b. cool c. huge

2. I’m __________ . I didn’t want to say that.
a. first b. sorry c. full

3. The temple is this __________ . Come on.
a. section b. way c. luck

4. You mustn’t __________ the statues.
a. touch b. worry c. finish

5. The __________ was full of beautiful paintings.
a. art b. sign c. gallery

Follow-up activities

1. Who do you think was the man who looked like a policeman?
2. What do you know about ancient Egypt/Greece/Rome?
3. What is the oldest thing you have seen or the oldest place you have been to?
4. Why do you think the mystery girl wants the cousins to go to the Empire State Building?

Write a paragraph about a visit to the museum.
chapter 6 Comprehension
Answer the questions.

1. How old is the Empire State Building?

2. How many people visit the Empire State Building every year?

3. How tall is the Empire State Building?

4. What is on the 86th floor of the Empire State Building?

5. What did Lisa see through the telescope?

Complete the sentences.

1. Lisa and George go to the Empire State Building by .
2. The Empire State Building was built in .
3. There was a very long in front of the Empire State Building.
4. Lisa saw a blue on one .
5. From the 86th floor, Lisa could see and .

Complete the sentences with the adjectives in the box.
long   right   interesting   famous   tallest   amazing

1. You’re , Frank. Susan is the in class.
2. Mario’s uncle is a(n) actor.
3. Let’s watch this film, it’s very .
4. Flamingoes have very necks.
5. I read a(n) book last week.

Choose a, b or c to complete the following sentences.
3 2
6 5

1. It makes things look
closer and bigger
2. You go there to
watch plays and
have fun
3. It helps you go up or
down in a building
4. A thousand thousands
5. A theatre performance
with a lot of singing
and dancing
6. To say something in
a loud voice
7. A line of people
waiting for something

Follow-up activities

1. What is the tallest building you have ever been to? What could you see from there?
2. Have you ever looked through a telescope?
3. Would you like to watch a show on Broadway? Which one?
4. Do you think that Lisa and George will find the solution to the mystery on Broadway?

Imagine you are Lisa. Write in your diary about your day in the Empire State Building.
chapter 7 Comprehension
Match 1-5 with a-e.
1. Lion King a. an award
2. George Jones b. Lisa’s cousin
3. Broadway c. a theatre show
4. Best Musical d. a place full of theatres.
Put the sentences in order. Write 1-6 in the boxes.

a. George and Lisa get their tickets.
b. The woman in the ticket office gives a package to Lisa.
c. Lisa sees the mystery person.
d. The cousins arrive on Broadway.
e. Lisa finds a mini Christmas tree.
f. The lights in the theatre go out.

Choose a or b.

1. ‘Mamma mia’ is a famous __________.
a. musical b. character

2. What’s that noise? What __________?
a. started b. happened

3. Excuse me, but you’re sitting in my __________.
a. package b. seat

4. I called and called, but no one __________.
a. responded b. whispered

5. Franka is wearing her __________ dress tonight.
a. best b. next

Complete the phrases with the words in the box.
award   show   there   subway   sure   minute

1. I’m (not)
2. enjoy the
3. look over
4. win a(n)
5. wait a(n)
6. take the

Follow-up activities

1. Do you like the theatre?
2. What kind of plays/films do you like to watch?
3. Do you like musicals? Have you ever watched one?
4. Where do you think the two cousins will go now?

Write one or two paragraphs about a theatre play or film you liked.
chapter 8 Comprehension
Are the sentences True or False? Write "t" or "f" in the boxes.

1. The Christmas tree is over 100 feet tall.
2. Lisa loves ice-skating.
3. George is the best at ice-skating.
4. George finds tickets to an NBA game in his ice-skate.
5. Someone forgot the tickets in the skates.

Complete the summary of Chapter 8 using the words in the box.
finds   tree   game   ice-skating   mystery   pictures   big

At Rockefeller Center there are many people taking (1) of the Christmas (2) . It is very (3) . George tells Lisa a lot of things about it. Then, Lisa sees people (4) and she wants to try. The cousins sit down to put on their ice-skates and Lisa (5) something in her ice-skate. It’s two tickets to an NBA (6) ! The (7) person put them there.

Choose the correct answer.

1. Can you help me decorate / pull out my room?

2. The man tried / put on his hat and opened the door.

3. We need a(n) truck / ice-skate to carry all these things.

4. My friend gave me a special / clever present for my birthday.

5. Sorry, but I can’t help you now, I’m very silly / busy

Complete the sentences using the words in the box.
feet   laugh   game   forever   tour guide   forget

1. Don’t to bring your ice-skates.
2. My brother is six tall.
3. On our holiday to China we had a great .
4. John is so funny! He always makes me .
5. This place is wonderful. I want to stay here .
6. Who won at the basketball .

Follow-up activities

1. Do you like Christmas? Do you decorate a Christmas tree? What else do you do?
2. Have you ever tried ice-skating? Did you like it?/Would you like to try it?
3. What do you know about NBA?
4. Why is George so excited about the game? What do you think will happen there?

Write a paragraph about what you do at Christmas.
chapter 9 Comprehension
Answer the following questions.

1. What is the name of the stadium?

2. Which teams are playing?

3. What is it like in the stadium?

4. Where does Lisa go during the game?

5. Who is the girl in the pink hat?

6. Who helped Amy with her plan?

7. Who won the game?

Choose the best title for this chapter.

1. A great NBA game.
2. Lisa meets the mystery person.
3. A visit to Madison Square Garden.

Find the opposites of the following words in chapter 3:
1. boring (page 28)
2. sad (page 28)
3. out of (page 28)
4. lose (page 28)
5. quiet (page 28)
6. whisper (page 29)
7. cry (page 29)
Match the words 1-7 with their definitions a-g.
1. team a. something you should not tell other people
2. hug b. to shout loudly and show you’re happy
3. secret c. to go after somebody
4. follow d. to put your arms around somebody
5. thrilled e. a number of people who play a sport together
6. cheer f. to hit your hands together and make a noise
7. clap g. very happy and excited
Follow-up activities

1. Do you like basketball? What sport do you like to play?
2. Have you ever watched a (basketball) game in a stadium? Did you like it? Why?/Why not?
3. Amy’s friends helped her with her plan. Do you ask for your friends’ help to do things? Give some examples.
4. What do you think Chinatown is like? What will the three cousins do there?

Imagine you are Lisa. Write an e-mail to your mother about your day, telling her all the latest news.
chapter 10 Comprehension
Match the questions 1-5 with their answers a-e.
1. How many Chinese people live in Chinatown? a. Aunt Elizabeth and Uncle John.
2. Who is hungry? b. The waiter.
3. Who has a favourite Chinese restaurant? c. Lisa.
4. Who is at the restaurant? d. Amy.
5. Who takes a picture? e. 80,000 people.
Finish the following sentences.

1. Chinatown is 200 .
2. Lisa and George stop .
3. George and Amy’s family is full .
4. The food at the Chinese restaurant is .
5. Lisa wants a photo to remember her .

Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
surprise   fortune   quickly   delicious   waiter

1. , catch the ball!
2. The dinner was .
3. In Chinese restaurants, they bring you cookies after you eat.
4. , we’d like to order, please.
5. A present! What a nice !

Match the words 1-7 with their definitions a-g.

1. Breakfast, lunch and dinner.
2. I like eating fruit.
3. ‘Say !’ said the girl and we all smiled.
4. People buy and sell things there.
5. Carrots aren’t fruit, they’re .
6. People wear these to look more beautiful.

1 2
Follow-up activities

1. Would you like to visit Chinatown? Why?/Why not?
2. Have you ever tried Chinese food? Did you like it?
3. What is your favourite photograph?
4. Do you like taking pictures?
5. What do you think Lisa liked most about her trip to New York?

Imagine that you are Lisa. Write a letter to Amy and George, thanking them for everything.
Extra Activities
Choose a, b or c to select the main idea in each chapter.

Chapter 1
a. Lisa does an online quiz.
b. Lisa wins a ticket to New York.
c. Lisa knows a lot about big cities in the USA.

Chapter 2
a. Lisa arrives in New York.
b. Lisa meets cousin George and his family.
c. Lisa learns about the Big Apple.

Chapter 3
a. George and Lisa go to Central Park and an adventure begins.
b. Someone leaves a note in Lisa’s basket in Central Park.
c. In Central Park Lisa finds her first souvenir.

Chapter 4
a. Lisa and George visit the Statue of Liberty.
b. A girl in a pink hat takes George and Lisa’s picture.
c. The mystery person leaves another clue for the cousins.

Chapter 5
a. George and Lisa visit the Temple of Dendur.
b. George and Lisa find the girl’s hat on the floor.
c. George and Lisa visit the Met and find another note from the mystery person.

Chapter 6
a. The two cousins get free tickets for the Empire State Building.
b. Lisa learns some information about the Empire State Building.
c. Lisa finds a sticker on a telescope on the Empire State Building.

Chapter 7
a. The mystery person goes to a Broadway show.
b. The cousins run after the mystery person on Broadway
c. George and Lisa watch a great show on Broadway.

Chapter 8
a. Lisa helps George ice-skate at the Rockefeller Center.
b. Christmas at the Rockefeller Center.
c. A surprise at the Rockefeller Center.

Chapter 9
a. A basketball game in Madison Square Garden.
b. The mystery girl appears during an NBA game.
c. The New York Knicks win the game with the Los Angeles Lakers.

Chapter 10
a. Lisa has one last surprise in New York.
b. Lisa and her New York friends enjoy their dinner in Chinatown.
c. Lisa finds a mysterious note in her fortune cookie.